Examples Pages from JournalQuest Database
To get the best idea of what joining JournalQuest could do for your journal, check out some of these pages from our existing partner journals:
The Journal Index Page is your journal's homepage in our database. It contains a general overview of your journal, contact information, a visual display of your archives, a link for readers to digitally subscribe to your journal, and links the most recent articles from your newest issue.

Every article is published on its own unique URL and is accompanied by an assortment of useful tools, including quick article navigation, social sharing buttons, a citation generator, and printer friendly version. Each article is linked directly to other articles in the issue.

Browsing your archives is made easier by full-text access to each article in addition to a stable link to download a permanently archived original PDF.

Participating journals have free access to embeddable widgets that can be seamlessly integrated with existing websites. Using these tools you can embed the entire archives of your journal, your most recent issue on your homepage, or any single issue wherever and whenever it's needed.

Key Features & Benefits
- Increased Reach & Readership
- Full-Text Indexing
- Accessible Archives
- Embeddable Widgets
- Subscribe, Cite, and Share Tools
- "Mobile Ready" Device-Independent Network
- Get all the details »
Let's Get Started!
In one page, you can enroll your journal in JournalQuest. Within a few days, you'll start to see your content in our databases.
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